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About us?

Fittest For All is an OnLine platform Created by the Sequera Brothers (Andreina and Rolando) that has helped generate positive change in the lives of its members since our foundation in 2020. We believe that physical training is not a hobby but a style of life. We founded our platform to be an ally in the goals of all our clients. Whether you exercise every day or you've never trained Fittest For All you can help shape what tomorrow can become your best version. We want to be allies of your training.

100% Guaranteed Results

Quienes Somos
Máquinas de remo Crossfit


Luego de muchos meses de inactividad decidí retomar un plan de entrenamiento y unirme a Strongpack fue la mejor decisión…en solo tres meses he mejorado mi composición corporal y mi autoestima gracias al apoyo y motivación de los coaches


tengo 2 prótesis en la columna, quedé con mucho dolor en las piernas, vivía una vida muy limitada. tomaba remedios para el dolor, inyecciones, etc. me acostumbré a decir "no, yo no puedo hacer eso", hacer ejercicios? eso estaba lejos de mi imaginación... Hasta que conocí a Strongpack, es lo mejor que pudo haberme pasado.


Hace algunos años parecía imposible perder 50 libras de peso, hoy puedo mirar atrás y decir "Era solo imposible en mi mente" 

Cual fue el secreto para lograrlo? buena alimentación, disciplina, constancia y mis clases de Strongpack


How do we train?

Como Entrenamos
About us?

Fittest For All is an OnLine platform Created by the Sequera Brothers (Andreina and Rolando) that has helped generate positive change in the lives of its members since our foundation in 2020. We believe that physical training is not a hobby but a style of life. We founded our platform to be an ally in the goals of all our clients. Whether you exercise every day or you've never trained Fittest For All you can help shape what tomorrow can become your best version. We want to be allies of your training.

About us?

Fittest For All is an OnLine platform Created by the Sequera Brothers (Andreina and Rolando) that has helped generate positive change in the lives of its members since our foundation in 2020. We believe that physical training is not a hobby but a style of life. We founded our platform to be an ally in the goals of all our clients. Whether you exercise every day or you've never trained Fittest For All you can help shape what tomorrow can become your best version. We want to be allies of your training.

Core Fitness

Nuestras Programaciones 

Nuestras Clases
Clase de Crossfit
Pesos pesados
Levantando pesas

Functional Training 

The philosophy of functional training focuses on the gradual progress of strength and endurance, respecting the natural movement of the human body. This form of exercise helps prevent injuries and prepare you not only for other disciplines, but also for your day to day.

Crossfit Training

Our Strength and metabolic capacity training will help you get stronger and faster at the same time, you will be able to move loads so fast and smoothly that it will surprise you. Strength training is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass. But this type of training also strengthens the bones, something that will be very useful especially at certain ages.


Do you want to show off a defined body? Then Bodybuilding is for you. Our Bodybuilding classes are designed to transform your body into what you have dreamed of. Strengthening your whole body and keeping your joints healthy should be the priority, which is why our bodybuilding classes allow you to do this while looking good.

StrongMan Training

We all have different goals, that is why our personalized training service is designed to adapt to your goals and needs, our trainers are trained to design a training plan and apply it no matter what your goal is, whether it is to look good, train to a specific discipline or help recover injuries.

With our personalized training we seek maximum efficiency and effectiveness in the results, minimizing the risk of injury.


Meet the team


Edwin Chavez


Functional Training Coach

Master Functional Rehabilitation

More than 12 years of experience in the world of Fitness  

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